It’s Looking Up

It's been a while since I wrote, but the silence this time is a good thing. Last time I blogged, I was going in and out of the hospital, which caused my oncologist to change up my treatment plan to try to avoid it the next time around. With that treatment plan, I have so far gone almost 5 weeks ...

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Bald & Nauseous: The New Me

Sorry for the lack of updates recently! Turns out, chemo makes me want to do nothing but sleep. I was prepared to lose my hair. After my last post, where I said that my hair was just starting to fall out, it took me less than 48 hours to decide to shave my hair. Once I realized it needed to be ...

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Hospitals & Hair Loss

One of the first things I was told in my pre-chemo informational meeting was that if I ever have a fever higher than 100.4 degrees - I have to call the doctor immediately. From Sunday night to Monday night, I had a constant fever of 100 degrees, without it going up or down. I continued to monitor ...

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First Week Thoughts: Drowning in Pills

Post-Chemo I’ve officially survived the first week post-chemo. Every single day was a unique adventure filled with many medications and dealing with new symptoms. The first few days were fairly easy, with no bad symptoms except just feeling a little off. Obviously, my body was just pumped full of ...

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FAQ about Cancer

What is Cancer? In healthy people, human cells grow and divide to make new cells when the body needs them, like when they become old or damaged. When cancer develops, abnormal cells stick around and new cells form when they aren't needed. The extra cells that develop can continue to divide ...

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